Welcome to SSS Optical Technologies
SSS Optical Technologies, LLC (SSSOT) is a small business located in Huntsville, Alabama, a short distance from NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Redstone Arsenal, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Oakwood University, and Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University. The company consists of a core of engineers and scientists; a supporting technical staff is augmented by key consultants. The company's expertise covers optical, mechanical, and electrical engineering, physics, chemistry, and material science. SSSOT develops and markets commercially viable optical technologies and products/services related to those technologies for applications ranging from basic research to complex industrial use. These technologies are covered with patents and provisional patent applications. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Currently SSSOT offers the following products and services: - Materials:
- Instruments:
- Services:
SSSOT is committed to provide each customer with inexpensive, long lasting, reliable, maintenance free, and accurate/pure/superior products and services. The philosophy of the company is that its products have to be small (S), smart (S), and simple (S). VISION SSSOT wants to become a corporate leader of the industry of optical technologies. Business must be built in such a way that:
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LED illuminators
High-power pulsed LED illuminators that cover spectrum from 440 to 650 nm are a powerful tool for optical spectroscopy, research in biology and material science
Two-photon materials
Two-photon excited fluorescent molecular probes can be used for two-photon microscopy, cancer research, and bio-medical sensing/diagnostics
Wide variety of nanocolloids (metals, oxides, semiconductors, etc.) prepared in a variety of liquids with a patent pending technology can be used for biophotonics, drug delivery, magnetic cancer hyperthermia, chemical sensing, and synthesis of new materials. Picture to the left shows (from left to right) nanocolloids of Palladium (Pd), Platinum (Pt), and Gold (Au) prepared in organic solvent Gammabutyrolactone (GBL)
Gas sensors
Gas sensors GOVINDRAR (Gas, Odor, Vapor Identification, Networking, Detection, Recording, and Annunciation) are distinguished by their low cost, high sensitivity (100 ppt and less), wide detection range (from 1 ppb to 1000 ppm), long operational life time (several years), and fast response (0.1 s). Picture to the left shows hend-held gas sensor GOVINDRA-001X together with the annuciation module
SSSOT receives SBIR Grant from USDA 04/29/2008 US Department of Agriculture awarded SSSOT with SBIR Phase I Grant to perform project "Sensor of Ammonia Emission from Animal Manure" from May 1 to December 31, 2008. SSSOT's CEO is awarded for invention of light driven actuators 08/08/2007 Dr. Sergey Sarkisov, President & CEO of SSSOT, has been awarded with the prestigious Rudolf Kinglake Medal and Prize of the International Society SPIE in recognition of the most noteworthy original paper to appear in the Society's official journal "Optical Engineering" in 2006. The paper describes the new technology of light driven actuators invented by Dr. Sarkisov and protected by US Patent 6,999,221. SSSOT sponsors a book07/24/2007 SSSOT sponsored the book of Sergey Sarkisov II "How to Win Academic Contests". Sergey has been a member of the US Physics Team 2003. He is also a winner of multiple international and national academic contests.